Monday, August 16, 2010

New Proposal for Interactive Information Design Application

After a lot of thinking, I've decided to change my topic from Orang Asli Settlement to Discover Belum. Due to lack of materials from the trip to Belum, it is better to change it to Discover Belum.

Design Issues :
People who love to travel are always looking for new places to explore. They would either buy magazines or books or search on the internet for interesting places to explore. But, Royal Belum is not as famous as any other tourist places in Malaysia. So, I've decided to create an application to help promote Royal Belum.

Treatment :
This application will be about Belum. Photos and lots of useful information will be included and divided into categories in the Main Menu of the application.

Title : Royal Belum

Objective :
To create an application that promotes Royal Belum.

Target Audience :
Local and oversea tourists who wants to visit Belum and Orang Asli.

Research :
The Royal Belum is located in Perak and is composed mainly of pristine tropical rainforest, with many river systems, and small grassland areas, some abandoned agricultural plots, and Tasik Temengor, a large man-made lake. Forests found here include lowland dipterocarp, hill dipterocarp and lower montane types with a distinctive northern element as the area borders Thailand. The Royal Belum is part of the larger Belum-Temengor forest landscape, one of the largest blocks of forest in Peninsular Malaysia.

Wildlife surveys show that Royal Belum is an important habitat for large mammals like the seladang (Bos gaurus), Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni). The area is also home to the endangered Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), one of very few left in Peninsular Malaysia. Belum-Temengor is the only forest in Malaysia with all 10 species of Malaysian hornbills including large flocks of the plain-pouched hornbill (Rhyticeros subruficollis).

The Belum area’s natural attractions and rich flora and fauna ensured that it was identified in the National Ecotourism Plan as a priority site for ecotourism.

The State Government‘s efforts to gazette, plan and manage Royal Belum is supported by WWF-Malaysia through our “Strengthening the Protected Areas System of Peninsular Malaysia” project which provides technical support to the Park. Additional work in the area is also carried through the Honda Rhino project to conserve endangered Sumatran Rhinoceros. Part of this project is to develop a tourism management plan which forms part of Royal Belum’s management plan. This will help guide the Perak State Parks Corporation in planning and implementing development projects in Royal Belum.

Besides that, there are quite a number of Orang Asli tribes there. Some of the tribes are friendly and very welcoming. You can take pictures and interview them but with permission of course.

Precedent Studies :

A view of Royal Belum from the watch tower.

A view from the Royal Belum Rainforest.

A view of the Royal Belum lake

The landmark bridge at Tasik Banding

Flowchart :

Icons :

History icon

Gallery Icon

Home Icon

Quit Icon

Screen Design :

Main Menu page
- the lake will be animated
- water waves and birds chirping sound effects
- 4 icons(Royal Belum, History, Gallery, Quit)
- when mouse over to any icon, the title appears

Royal Belum page
-The signboard will be animated
- wind blowing sound effects
- A scroll - able description of Royal Belum and some pictures at the left side
- Main Menu Button

History page
- A description of the history of Royal Belum
- Main Menu Button

Gallery page
- Pictures of Royal Belum with captions
- Main Menu Button

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