Monday, July 5, 2010

Proposal for Interactive Information Design Application

Title : Orang Asli Settlement

Design Issues :
To create an application about how Orang Asli live their life in their settlement.

Treatment :
This application will be about Orang Asli and their settlement. Photos and lots of useful information will be included and divided into categories in the Main Menu of the application.

Target Audience :
Local and oversea tourists who wants to visit Orang Asli settlement.

Research :
The Orang Asli are the indigenous peoples of Malaysia. Orang Asli is a Malay term which transliterates as "original people" (orang meaning people and asli meaning original). The Orang Asli are divided into 3 main tribal groups - Negrito, Senoi and Proto-Malay. They numbered 105,000 in 1997 representing a mere 0.5% of the national population.

The Orang Asli, nevertheless, are not a homogeneous group. Each has their own language and culture, and perceives itself as different from the others. Some of the northern Orang Asli groups (especially the Senoi and Negrito groups) speak languages - now termed Aslian languages - that suggest a historical link with the indigenous peoples in Burma, Thailand and Indo-China.
The members of the Proto-Malay tribes, whose ancestors were believed to have migrated from the Indonesian islands to the south of the peninsula, speak dialects which belong to the same Austronesian family of languages as Malay, with the exceptions of the Semelai and Temoq dialects (which are Austroasiatic).

A very small number, especially among the Negrito groups (such as Jahai and Lanoh) are still semi-nomadic, preferring to take advantage of the seasonal bounties of the forest. A fair number also live in urban areas and are engaged in both waged and salaried jobs. There is no doubt, however, that the Orang Asli are the descendants of the earliest inhabitants in the peninsula. It has been suggested that they retained much of their identity to the present day because of their relative isolation from the other communities and the forces of change.

Precedent Studies :

Orang asli kids taken at Kg Chang Lama, Bidor, Perak

Orang asli village near Cameron Highlands

Orang Asli using a blow pipe

Timeline :

Week 3 - 5
Proposal and Concept Pitch

Week 5 to 7
Project Planning

Week 7
Class trip to Tasik Bera (Field Research and Visual Gathering)

Week 8
Sketching content design

Week 9
Consultation, Content design , filtering, digital screen design

Week 10
Consultation, interaction and navigation design

Week 11 - 12
Consultation, troubleshooting and amendments

Week 13

Flowchart :

Mindmap :